Eat a live frog....

An interesting blog entry.. that started with Mark Twains Quote :

"Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day."

Brian Tracy in his book, 'Eat That Frog!' plays off Twain's quirky quip to create 21 ways to stop procrastinating. Tracy equates your 'frog' to your biggest, most important task, the one likeliest to have the greatest positive impact on your life---yes, the very THING we've been talking about!

Tracy goes on to lay down the first two rules of 'frog eating':

'If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first.'
'If you have to eat a live frog at all, it doesn't pay to sit and look at it for very long.'

Apply the Rule of Frog

Basically, the rule of frog says stop anticipating, and start each day by doing the most important thing that needs doing before you do anything else. Don't sit around thinking about taking that first bite of frog. Bite into the hardest, ugliest task you've been avoiding first thing in the morning--and do it every morning.

Leap Frog Your Way to a Satisfying, Productive Life

Begin simply: make a list of 'frogs'. Then simply begin to jump through those self-imposed hoops, leap frogging your way each and every morning to a more satisfying and productive life.

Why wait to get started? Jump in NOW. Choose something from the list below...or use the list to jump start your own list.
Frogs to Eat First Thing in the Morning
Make a list of your frogs. Choose an ugly one.

*Make that phone call.
*Start that school or job application.
*Ask for help. Pick up the phone. Send the e-mail.
*Practice learning a new technology skill now.
*Make a dentist appointment. Put your self-care first.
*Make a doctor appointment. Put your self-care first.
*Call a sick friend.
*Write a letter to someone in need.
*Go to the gym.
*Find a new job.
*Research school options
*Make and maintain contact with good friends.
*Find a mate. Put yourself in the environment where you'll meet potential mates.

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